

Weekly Report E6

Life & Work#

There was nothing special in my life this week. On Wednesday, I had a meeting with an Indian colleague from our overseas clients. On Friday, I discussed another project issue with a client from North America. That's pretty much it for work this week. Basically, I just organized some plans and had conversations with clients. Then, I thought about the plans some more.

I attended two dinners this week. One was a department dinner, which was like an end-of-year gathering.

The other one was a dinner hosted by Mr. Tang. Mr. Tang is going to Hangzhou, and theoretically, I should have paid for the dinner. However, when I was about to pay, I found out that Mr. Tang had already settled the bill. We went to a place called Man Ba Qi Hot Pot, a small and exquisite restaurant with really good flavors. Except for the strong smell of one of the lamb dishes, everything else deserves an 8 out of 10 rating. I've been to many restaurants in Hefei before, and so far, this one seems to be the best. Because it was the end of the year, the staff gave us a small gift bag when we left. Inside were: a keychain, two pairs of red socks, and a small round box. The other two items were fine, but the keychain was really ugly and hard for me to accept. It's just unbearable to see it next to my Doraemon keychain (the strange thing on the right in the picture below is the dragon keychain for the Year of the Dragon 😂).

As I mentioned before, Mr. Tang and I usually take a walk and chat after dinner. So we talked about the topic of financial freedom. I saw a saying before that the minimum threshold for financial freedom is: to ensure that your current lifestyle remains unchanged and your wealth can support you until you reach heaven. So, I did a rough calculation:

  • Housing: Based on the housing prices in Hefei, it's over 20,000 yuan per square meter, so let's say 30,000 yuan (considering the fluctuation of prices in some areas). Therefore, a 120-square-meter house would cost 3.6 million yuan.

  • Living expenses: I am currently 28 years old and assuming I will live until 90. That means I still need 52 years of living expenses. Assuming I will be as healthy as I am now, without any major illnesses, and only occasionally taking cold medicine, last year's expenses were 43,000 yuan. Calculating based on the current general inflation rate of 3%, it would be approximately 1524.4×(1+3%)i\sum ^{52}_{1} {4.4\times {(1+3\% )}^{i}}. So, it would be around 5.35 million yuan.

  • Marriage: It would cost around 200,000 yuan.

Without considering expenses for raising and educating children, supporting parents, and other family expenses and loans, you would need 3.6 million + 5.35 million + 200,000 = 9.15 million yuan. If you include all of these, you would probably need 10 million yuan to achieve financial freedom. Another condition is that your partner's income should be enough to support themselves and their parents (this is just for convenience in calculation and doesn't imply anything else. Any situation in a family should be shared by both partners).

This calculation may be too rough, but the number is still quite astonishing. At least I have a rough idea of when I might achieve financial freedom (please correct me if I'm wrong).

I exercised for five days this week, but I took two days off because of the dinners. This week, I cleared my "exercise debt" and accumulated a total of 3 times of not exercising for 1 hour each time.

As for listening practice, I did it regularly this week, nothing much to say.


Because I had to submit my Final project, I spent a night or two studying the Tkinter framework. I wrote a Toy-like interface using Tkinter, and I will tidy it up next week. Basically, it's almost done.

Originally, I planned to make a more impressive toy project, but in the end, I decided to just submit what I have. There are other things to do in the next phase.

In addition, I wrote a review of the movie "Flowers" this week. It's a rural story. Interested friends can take a look at the record.


  • "A Global History": 19%, didn't make much progress, feeling ashamed.
  • "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn": 6%. Because I've been reading history all the time and it can be exhausting, so I started a new book. So far, it's been good and relaxing.


  • "12th Fail": Movie. Personal rating: 7.8. Although the story is straightforward and not very exciting, the overall pace is good, worth watching. However, it didn't bring me deeper thoughts, so I don't have any post-viewing thoughts.
  • "Furien of the Funeral Lily" E20: Anime. The plot was a bit slow this week, but overall it's okay. Looking forward to next week.
  • "Dragon Hunter Ragnar": Action anime, not much to say. It's pretty good.
  • "Maze Rice": It doesn't seem to be my cup of tea, hmm, I'll wait and see.
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